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Tîm Datblygu Cymuned Plas Madoc

Cymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Wrecsam

Mae Adran Chwarae a Datblygu Cymunedol AVOW yn darparu nifer o wasanaethau gwahanol i blant, pobl ifanc, a thrigolion Plas Madoc a thu hwnt.

Yn AVOW rydym yn cydnabod bod Chwarae yn un o agweddau pwysicaf ar fywyd plant (ac oedolion) ac yn ganolog i'w profiad a'u mwynhad o fyw, rydym yn gwybod y bydd eu cyfleoedd i chwarae yn effeithio'n uniongyrchol ar sut maent yn teimlo amdanynt eu hunain ac agweddau eraill o'u bywydau.

Felly, ym mis Gorffennaf 2021, roeddem wrth ein boddau pan wnaeth Cronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol ddyfarnu £485,861 i gefnogi ein Gwaith Chwarae yn y gymuned - mae'r cyllid a ddyfarnwyd yn ein galluogi i helpu ein cymuned yn ystod yr amseroedd heriol hyn drwy ddatblygu model newydd o waith Chwarae a Datblygu Cymunedol integredig, gan adeiladu ar y ddarpariaeth Chwarae ac Ieuenctid o ansawdd uchel sydd eisoes yn bodoli ac ymestyn ein dylanwad i'r gymuned ehangach.

Bydd y buddsoddiad hwn yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr i lawer o fywydau ac yn galluogi'r tîm i adeiladu ar y cryfderau o fewn y gymuned ac i roi mwy o lais i'n plant a'n pobl ifanc.

Logo: fingers crossed. Text: Crofa Cymunedol / Community Fund

Ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc

8th Maes Chwarae Cŵl yn y Byd ac mae'n AM DDIM!!

Y Tir yn a maes chwarae sothach ym Mlas Madoc, Wrecsam. Sefydlwyd y Land yn 2011, ac mae'n cynnig mynediad agored i chwarae antur i blant a phobl ifanc o 5 mlynedd +.

Mae chwarae antur yn annog plant a phobl ifanc i arbrofi gyda risg, her a chreadigrwydd ochr yn ochr â Chwaraewyr Chwarae profiadol ac ymroddedig.

Ar agor o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener o 3.30pm i blant rhwng 5 ac i fyny.

Am fwy o wybodaeth, amseroedd agor a phrosiectau eraill yn y Land, ewch i'w tudalen Facebook neu Instagram.

Ar gyfer rhieni a thrigolion Plas Madoc:

Plas Madoc Kettle Club is an informal, friendly hub where parents/grandparents/ carers can meet up and have a chat over a brew. People can also access support, advice and have opportunities to volunteer and attend free training – Kettle Club is free to attend and everyone is welcome.

  • Monday – 6.30 – 8pm is ‘Suppa n a Cuppa’ @ Kettle Club – an informal group for people to relax, meet others and/or access support ( free to attend)
  • Tuesday – 9.30 – 12 is Crafty Brew at Plas Telford. The aim of the group is to support positive mental health/wellbeing through crafting activities ( free to attend)
  • Wednesday – 9-11am is Breakfast & Brews at the Opportunities Centre – people can access a free breakfast toastie, tea/coffee etc and can also access support.
  • Thursday at Kettle Club we have drop- in between 9-12pm, parents can pop in and have some food, drinks and access support with foodbank, DAF referrals etc ( free to attend).

There are also electric cars to go to the local supermarkets for £1, return between 10-12pm. Drop in to the Kettle Club, or pick-up can be arranged through calling 01978 813 912

Citizen’s advice attends between 1-4pm, as well as help filling out forms between 1:30pm and 3:30pm. Both these sessions are free to attend.

  • Thursday at  3.45pm we have PG Sips – a parent/carer drop in – parents can pop in for a chat, to access support or just pop down for a bite to eat and cups of tea/coffee ( free to attend) in the Kettle Club

The Pantry also runs on a Thursday and offers people the opportunity to purchase 10 items of food for £3, this is open to anyone, there’s no criteria to access this support and we run it later in the day to ensure those people in work have equal access. This is runs 5.30 – 7.30pm ,

Am wybodaeth bellach, cysylltwch â Rheolwr y Tîm Chwarae, Claire Pugh ar 01978 813912 neu 07856229029.

Neu, edrychwch ar ein tudalen Facebook 'Land Plasmadoc' neu We are Plas Madoc.

We Are Plas Madoc Team

David Bullough

Dirprwy Rheolwr Chwarae yn 'The Land'

Gareth Poole

Play Development Officer

Donna Jordan

WAPM Swyddog Datblygu

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